Dwelling-workhouse is situated in a small quarter with free lots, which form the transition between an industry terrain and a housing estate. Have you been thinking to combine an industrial workspace with the uniqueness of a modern home? Well, here’s one of the best combinations we’ve ever seen — the Dwelling-workhouse by Hoogte Twee Architecten. Outstandingly constructed in the Nijmegen Area, in the Netherlands, this five person family villa was designed to create a paradox between life’s freedom and a clear quality planning.
Observe how the designers had illuminated every dark corner with “excesive” sunlight, trying to pull a contrast trick between an introvert workspace and an extrovert family home ambience. The apparent dark and closed mass has been illuminated with three patios which provide air and light to the liveable spaces. Mutual relations between living and working are reinforced with this or just avoided: a subtle game in which the playing with the theme ‘distance’ is central.
Fashionable Kid Clothing Design
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